Sunday 13 April 2008

Top 20

Well, I don't get out much, and since I live in the suburbs I am probably not the best person to ask, but here are twenty (or so) places I like to go or things to do.

Classic New York:

1. Pretzel - if you have never been to New York you must have a pretzel from a street vendor
2. Tiffany and Co - 5th Ave. - If you know all the words to Moon River
4. Grand Central Terminal - this is where I come and go every day (42nd St.)
5. I would have said the Plaza hotel to visit the Eloise portrait but sadly, I think it is gone.

Shopping - Shopping - Shopping:

There are so many great places I have heard about, but never had the chance to go to - here are some of the ones I have actually made it to.

1. Strand Books - 18 miles of books and trendy tote bags too (south of Union Square)
2. Barney's - the best department store (Madison Ave)
3. Kirna Zabete - Fun boutique (Soho)
4. Moss - like a museum (Soho)
5. MOMA design store - (53rd St. Midtown and Soho)
6. Rizzoli Books - (57th St.)
7. Anthropologie - this store, although a chain, always puts me in a good mood
8. Lee Kan Designs - great beads and other imports (Soho)
9. Pearl River Mart - fun Asian goodies (Soho/Chinatown)
10. ABC Carpet and Home - this store is always inspiring (north of Union Square around 18th)
11. Prada - needs no explanation (Midtown and Soho)
12. Club Monaco - another nice chain I don't think is open in the UK
13. Tender Buttons - who knew a button store could be so cool (around 62nd St. and Lex)
14. Tinsel Trading Co. - vintage trimmings and such for crafty people (around 38th)

To Eat:

1. Vosges Haute Chocolate -(Upper East Side and Soho) my friend Saba works here and it is absolutely the best chocolate ever!
2. Wholesome Wraps - (40th and 7th Ave.) This shows you how far I venture out of Parsons.  but they have great soups and the pita chips are the best.
3. Jamba Juice  - Broadway between 40th and 41st.


What I admire most about London, England as a whole, and consequently its fashion is the sense of history.  One thing I notice when I have been to London is the juxtaposition and layers of old and new prevalent everywhere one looks.  While this exists in New York, it does not quite have the same span as London.  For example, Alexander McQueen's most recent collection could not have been designed by and American as we do not have that history to draw upon.

The other thing London has a history of, is being on the forefront of fashion, as in the 60s.  I think even today, while press and other fashion viewers overlook London and have a hard time characterizing it, there is a freedom about the environment that in fact, might produce some designers that are ahead of the curve.

Tuesday 8 April 2008


This is why I don't keep Diarys

When I was little, I always used to buy a journal because they were pretty or some literary character would inspire me to keep one.  I would start out okay and then come to the realization that I do nearly the same thing every day and rather not write it down.  This is what seems to have happened with this blog.

Anyhow, here is an update:

Aaah! if my math is correct, which it usually isn't, senior thesis is due in something like 60 hours. I am not even close to done and I am holding on to my sanity by a thread.  I think it is only the prospect of finally being done that is keeping me going.  I did have my photo shoot this past Sunday and it went great.  My friend Ashley who is one of our fit models at school modeled my collection.  My friend Jackie helped me set up a backdrop at school and I hired Ashley's roommate to take the photos as he happens to be a photographer.  the clothes look good, now all I have to do is make them look good in real life as well.  

I am including a photo of my shoot and my London answer and NYC shopping guide are on their way. (sorry)